At Angelic Press, our mission is to create beautiful journals that will help change your life for the better. Our journals are made to inspire, motivate, guide and encourage. Whether you are on a spiritual journey with the Lord or want somewhere to write down your thoughts, your prayers or goals. Angelic Press journals are designed specifically for that.
Precious Cummings
My name is Precious Cummings and I am the owner and founder of Angelic Press. My love for journaling led me to create and design journals. Not just ordinary journals, but spiritual journals. I believe that journaling allows us to organize the thoughts in our heads. It clears our mind and helps us understand how we feel, who we are and what we really want out of life. As humans it is in our nature to think, but sometimes we overthink to the point it consumes us. It interferes with our life and can even keep us up at night. Our thoughts can cause stress and anxiety in our life and might have us feeling overwhelmed.
Because of my strong faith and belief in Christ. Whenever I journal, I would write my prayers down, along with my goals. After doing this for the past 4 years. I've seen how much I have achieved over the years. My walk with God and my faith have gotten stronger. I'm more organized in my life, and I feel more confident, stress free and relaxed.
The problem with humans is that we want to be in control of everything in our life. When we feel that we don't have control, we panic and get stressed. We start to worry and it feels like everything around us is crashing down. But that's not true, we need to let go and allow God to take control. We need to walk by faith and believe that we will be taken care of. This is one of the main reasons I created "Power of Prayers" Journal/planner. It is the perfect guide to allow us to have God take control of areas in our life that we feel helpless in. This journal and many Angelic Press journals are filled with prayers, bible verse, goal planning sections along with multiple pages to write on. Journaling is therapeutic, healthy and it is something we can all benefit from.